'Seven-year-old me thought every woman in the world was cut' – BBC London News
Medics, survivors and campaigners call for more to be done to stop Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C).
A BBC report on FGM/C, featuring The Vavengers, highlighted the impact of the abuse on survivors, healthcare solutions, and the risks of intervening too late.
The news story told our Co-Founder Hoda Ali’s experience of being subjected to FGM/C at seven years old and the health complications which have impacted her life ever since.
Huda Mohamed MBE, a lead midwife at Whittington Health NHS Trust in London, said she was treating about six women per week for the impact of the abuse. Ms Mohamed said that “improved education and better mental health support was needed.”
Read the full news story here.